SZU-HAN HO / 何思涵


Szu-Han Ho’s work in performance, sound, and installation explores the relationship between bodies and sites of memory. They often work collaboratively, through collective action, structured improvisation, and group composition. Szu-Han's work has been exhibited at Tokyo Wonder Site, SOMA (Mexico City), VSF (Los Angeles), Southern Exposure (San Francisco), Tulsa Artist Fellowship Flaship, Contemporary Jewish Museum (San Francisco), and Revolutions International Theatre Festival. Szu-Han has been a recipient of the Art for Justice Fund Grant (2020) and Art Matters Grant (2019).

Szu-Han lives and works in Albuquerque, NM and is a founding member of the fronteristxs collective. Szu-Han is currently an associate professor in Art & Ecology in the Department of Art at the University of New Mexico.